How to prepare for home remodeling / ako sa pripraviť na prerábanie domova


Almost everyone want to fill at your home like "at home". When you are going to remodeling, decorating or just moving of furniture you should imagine it and prepare for some things. I have some tips for you. Here it is:
Takmer každý chce sa cítiť vo svojom domove ako "doma". Keď idete prerábať, dekorovať alebo iba premiestňovať nábytok mali by ste si to predstaviť a pripraviť si pár veci. Mám pre vás nejaké tipy. Tu sú:

1.) Pick the style in which you want to have your home. There is a lot of style for interior design. Here is a few of them:
Vyberte si štýl, v ktorom chcete mať svoj domov. Je veľa štýl pre interiérový dizajn. Tu je niekoľo z nich:

                                     Modern style                                                                              Scandinavian style

                            Rustic modern                                                                         Classic 

            Retro style  


2.) Choose in which colors you want to have rooms

grey (new white) - neutral color, combinate with markedly colors
brown - make your home cozy and clean, combinate with markedly colors because color will be boring
red - for some people its extravagancy to color room in red, but it give you vitality and energy, combinate with white and yellow or brown, black, blue
green - act calming and harmonizing, gives you satisfaction and stimuletes the intellect, combinate with white, brown or yellow

3.) When your imagination is not so perfect try some programs or even games have it should and can            look. Here is some program and game:
     Keď vaša predstavivosť nie je perfektná vyskúšajte nejaké programy alebo aj hry ako by to malo a mohlo vyzerať. Tu sú nejaké programy a hra:

The Sims - game when you can do "human" like you and create your home. Offer of furnitures, colors, decorations and small details is incredibly big.

Home styler - free programm where is everything make to the smallest detail. This is of course more realistic than game. You can do everything in real degree. I really like this

4.) Now when you know how it will be look you must to buy furniture or decoration or anything else. Write a list of what you need. When you have it find where to buy it.



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